Thursday, February 7, 2013

Laundry Room Before and After

I have been so excited about the Laundry room, and I wanted to explain all that we did to it, but I just haven't found time.  So I will go ahead and just post before and afters.







Monday, February 4, 2013

Master Closet Redo

Whoops! Long time no post!

Notice the Bay Window on stilts. Eek... We had our handyman since then fix that...

We moved into our new home this past summer, and we have loved it!  We have had such a fun time painting, tearing things down, and putting new things up.  Actually, painting is terrible, but we love the outcome.

One of the first things we did when we moved in was redo our Master Closet.  Here's why... (these pictures were taken before we moved in)

Unpainted shelves and supports

Supporting L brackets with Rod supports, but no rods,

1x6's as shelf supports

A random desk...

...with bare plywood as a top.

Another problem was that someone must have added carpet to the room, but didn't sand down the doors so that they would easily open.  Our solution was to just take off the doors.  We haven't decided if we will ever put them back on.

Next we took out all of the shelves and supports, which was actually a lot harder than anticipated since they drove the biggest nails I have ever seen into the studs.

Then we saw this... :(

We filled holes holes with spackling, sanded, and then painted the walls and the baseboards, and it felt gooooood!  (sorry, I don't have a picture)

After measuring the closet and creating a design we liked, we went to Lowe's and got all of our boards cut by Warren the most patient Lowe's guy I have ever met.

Those are Pine 1x12's if anyone wants to know.

Then came the painting and installing.

Somehow I miscalculated, and I am down one shelf (I don't want that huge open top shelf.  There is supposed to be another in there).  I still haven't put it in.  Painting the shelf was on my January home goals, but it didn't even get done...

Anyway, after installing both sides, we filled them with our stuff!

Margy's Side

Margy's Side

Kyle's Side

Kyle's Side

This was our first big project, so I didn't know things like fill the knots in the wood with wood filler, or use countersink screws to hide your screws, or even put trim on the front to finish it off.  Oh well, we love it!

Some things we still want to do:

Do something with the blank back wall

Put in a new light fixture (it was broken when we moved in)

And put in the top shelves on both sides of the closet.

Maybe this month I will be able to at least paint the shelves, then install them in March!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What would my sign say?...

So I recently talked about how nice it would be to just wear a sign that says everything about you so no one would have to assume.  Also, you wouldn't have to wonder if someone thought something of you that is not true.

Well, if anyone wore a sign, there would be a LOT of things to say, since we're people of course, and we have many thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  But let me go ahead and try to put some things together that I think I would want people to know...

  • I am a sinner.  I am allllways doing something that is far less than perfect and that offends God or goes against what he would desire for me.
  • I try to live my life according to God's word, and unfortunately this often is perceived as self-righteous and an "I'm better than you" attitude, but I don't think that at all and I try not to allow others to think I think that!  I am trying to live my life how God commands us because I believe God is good, and what he has written is for my own good.
  • The only thing that makes me righteous is Jesus, that by living a perfect life, dying on the cross, and raising again, he took the punishment I deserve from said disobedience to God, and I received his righteousness.
  • I don't believe anyone can be righteous apart from Christ (which means no one is "good" including myself, because of what we do, say or how we treat others)
  • I also think because Christ was perfect, died for the sins of the world, and rose again, and he is the only person that can make anyone righteous, I believe he is the only way to be reconciled with God the father.
  • I don't share the gospel enough with others. (You may be thankful for this because you think it's annoying when a Christian shares his or her faith with you, but I remember watching a video of a famous atheist who said that if someone believes that every person needs to be saved from the wrath of God, and they know the way to salvation, Jesus Christ, then why are they not sharing their faith?  That it is selfish to keep it from others.  Wow! That's impacting and will challenge anyone to share his or her faith).
  • Christianity is the one way of life that doesn't require you to "work" your way to God.  Jesus has joyfully already done that for you.  All you have to do is trust his work is sufficient and daily repent from your own sinful way of life and instead live to bring God glory.
  • I don't think I am better than anyone else because of what I believe.  Like I already said, I am made righteous not because of me, but because of Christ.
  • I believe there are certain passages in scripture that have cultural expression and eternal truth.  If, after research, I am unsure of whether the passage only relates to that culture in time or if is eternal truth, I will probably err on the conservative side.
  • I fail. All. The. Time.  My goal is to love God and others unconditionally, but I fail daily, which makes me look like a hypocrite...
  • I am super self-conscious.  I get so sad when I think someone doesn't like me.  It's embarrassing, selfish and totally unnecessary, really.  And it's this trait that often keeps me from being myself around others.  You can believe me that if I ever hurt your feelings, it is definitely not out of malicious intent.  It's an accident, and I'd want you to tell me so I can apologize and make things right with you. (This was not so true in my high school/early college years, so I am sorry.  These people know who they are and I think I've already personally apologized to them... oops :/  )

Wow, so I guess really what my sign would do is mostly share the gospel.  That was totally unintentional, but I guess when you see that the gospel and a life that failingly tries to live out God's word, you get a lot better look at my life and hopefully a lot less assumptions... who knows...

Now I just need to get all of this tatood on my forehead.

I wish I could wear a sign...

I was thinking about this today with all the Amendment One stuff that just happened in North Carolina. It was interesting that the amendment got passed since about 95% of the signs I saw in yards were "Vote Against" signs. Where were all these closet conservatives?

In the weeks leading up to the vote I asked myself multiple times, "If we had a house, would I put up a sign?" From the feelings of anxiety I got right after I asked myself that question, I knew my answer, "No."

Why is that? What is the problem? Am I ashamed of what I believe in? No... Am I not fully confident in what I believe in? No... (I may not be prepared to have a debate with someone, but I am definitely confident in truth).

This is the problem:

When you believe ONE thing, people assume ALL things about you.

That's why I wish I could just wear a sign that showed all my cards in life. That way, when you find out one thing about me, you can just read the sign I'm wearing that tells you all the other things about me. You still may not agree with anything I believe or do, but at least there wouldn't be all this awkward tension where you're thinking or wondering "X" about me, and I'm wondering, "Does she now think 'Y' about me?!" And now either you are going to avoid me because you hate me, or I am going to avoid you because I think you hate me...

It's terrible, really... These unspoken assumptions, or unspoken fear of assumptions, has caused me tension in so many relationships!

Maybe it's narcissistic to think like this, but am I the only one that has this problem?

I think I will try to lay out a lot of my cards on the next blog. Why not just go ahead and create the proverbial sign?...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hello Miss Addison!

Well, I am super behind in blogging.  It's hard to do when I have to pull out my dying laptop every time and also pull out the portable wireless mouse and it's USB thing since my laptop's mouse in broken.  It's one of the many "frictions," Kyle would say, that discourages me from blogging.

So Addison is here, born on January 24, 2012 at 10:08pm.  She weighed 7 lbs 12oz, and was 19 3/4 inches long.

7lbs 12.6oz; 19 3/4 in long

Because I have taken so long to post anything, I will just summarize all of my observations of Addison below...

Overall, she is a very happy baby...

but she does get fussy at times!

She loves to be swaddled

This little Houdini could always work
her way out of a swaddle

Until the "Swaddle Me"...

...which saved us

Swaddled for the night

She has always been so alert, even at 4 days old!

So alert!

...and again

She hated her first couple of baths,
 until we learned that she could handle
the water being a little warmer (oops!)

She always looks adorable wrapped
in her bath towel

She makes some goofy faces

Another goofy face (see the reindeer?)

She loves working those eyebrows

After she eats, she is out!

Even though she still has trouble finding it,
it's clear she is a thumb-sucker

She loves sleeping on her stomach,
but she hates tummy time

She seems to sneeze a lot

She's a cute yawner

An early morning yawn

And my favorite, she has an adorable smile


Oh, and...

She just started putting weight on her legs
this past week! Yay! She can actually stand now
for a pretty long time! (about 10 seconds, maybe...)

She has been SUCH a blessing and joy to us!  I absolutely love this little girl, and I am trying my best to treasure every moment with her.

Well, until next time,

Peace out!