Friday, March 30, 2012

Hello Miss Addison!

Well, I am super behind in blogging.  It's hard to do when I have to pull out my dying laptop every time and also pull out the portable wireless mouse and it's USB thing since my laptop's mouse in broken.  It's one of the many "frictions," Kyle would say, that discourages me from blogging.

So Addison is here, born on January 24, 2012 at 10:08pm.  She weighed 7 lbs 12oz, and was 19 3/4 inches long.

7lbs 12.6oz; 19 3/4 in long

Because I have taken so long to post anything, I will just summarize all of my observations of Addison below...

Overall, she is a very happy baby...

but she does get fussy at times!

She loves to be swaddled

This little Houdini could always work
her way out of a swaddle

Until the "Swaddle Me"...

...which saved us

Swaddled for the night

She has always been so alert, even at 4 days old!

So alert!

...and again

She hated her first couple of baths,
 until we learned that she could handle
the water being a little warmer (oops!)

She always looks adorable wrapped
in her bath towel

She makes some goofy faces

Another goofy face (see the reindeer?)

She loves working those eyebrows

After she eats, she is out!

Even though she still has trouble finding it,
it's clear she is a thumb-sucker

She loves sleeping on her stomach,
but she hates tummy time

She seems to sneeze a lot

She's a cute yawner

An early morning yawn

And my favorite, she has an adorable smile


Oh, and...

She just started putting weight on her legs
this past week! Yay! She can actually stand now
for a pretty long time! (about 10 seconds, maybe...)

She has been SUCH a blessing and joy to us!  I absolutely love this little girl, and I am trying my best to treasure every moment with her.

Well, until next time,

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. awe margy, she is SO adorable! that smile must melt your heart
