Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's a Girl!

Well, we found out a few weeks ago that we are having a little girl! I would have put a picture up, but showing sonograms can sometimes just be a little weird, so here's a picture of me and Kyle at the Doctor's office, waiting...

Both Kyle and I were anticipating it to be a little girl.  At first I had this feeling because Kyle wanted a boy so badly, so I figured we'll probably have a girl.  Obviously this isn't too much of a convincing argument.  But over the 4 plus months of being pregnant, I think every single person, except one, had guessed it would be a girl.  So Kyle and I jumped on board the little girl train quite some time ago.

It's crazy how the Lord changed both my and Kyle's hearts in leading up to finding out the sex.  All my life I thought I wanted a boy first.  I even thought I wanted a few boys and then a girl, but when we got pregnant, things started changing.  My desire for a girl grew greater and greater.  By the time we were ready to find out, I knew in my heart I wanted a girl this first time around.  Kyle had a similar story.  When he found out we were pregnant, he was hoping for a boy, and he continued to hope for a boy for quite some time.  Then he hit a neutral place.  As we heard from more and more people that it might be a girl, he began to see more girls with their dads, and his heart began to change too!

We are so grateful for the Bradners who let us borrow their Doppler, so we have actually been able to listen to the baby's heart beat at home.  This has been a blessing for a few reasons. First, it's just a joy to sit and listen to the little one inside you and marvel at the very fact that there's a little one inside you!  Second, every once in a while I have gotten concerned that something has happened because my belly isn't huge yet, so I wonder, 'Is there really a little person in there???'

Another fun thing about pregnancy is feeling certain symptoms and then getting weekly updates about the baby and my body that validate those symptoms.  For instance, recently, when I come home from work, my legs have been so achy and I just can't get comfortable.  I honestly feel desperate for a massage.  Then today I wake up to weekly update that says this,

"Your body is changing.  Those nasty leg cramps are probably making it tough to get comfortable. One way to ease the pain: Extend your leg and flex your ankle and toes toward your knees. Or enlist your partner for a calf massage."
Finally, a professional giving complete pregnancy validity to my needs!

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