Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Smoky Mountains Vacation: Day 5

Kyle and his s'more
Friday was going to be a busy day with no time to waste.  We woke up and had our delicious breakfast - scrambled eggs, banana nut bread, bacon, a rolled up crepe with fruit and yogurt in the middle!  I saw some S'more stuff sitting on the table, and Janice said there was a fire down by the creek.  We were having s'mores for dessert!  Woo hoo!  So that's what we did.  We had our breakfast, roasted some marshmallows, and had some s'mores.

My S'mores

Goodbye Whisperwood Farms :(
Then, sadly, it was time to say goodbye.  The Doctors had left the day before, so we had to say goodbye to The Germans, The Police, and Janice and Tifton.  I was actually very sad to say goodbye and to leave the cabin.  There was something very special about this vacation, the cabin and the people.  We became close to everyone, and I was sad to see it end.

I couldn't believe it, but Tifton packed us lunch, even for this last day!  He made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and put them in a paper bag since we wouldn't be coming back (they were usually in this really nice Coleman lunch box).  I'll never know what else he put in there because we forgot to grab it on the way out! :(  Thankfully we didn't forget our robes that were included with the Living Social deal!

After our goodbyes, we headed to meet my mom and Jeff.  We pulled up to their hotel in Pigeon Forge, and they had a gift for little baby Addison!  So thoughtful and nice!  Addison got a blanket, some socks, an adorable little dress, and a bib, all that matched with a little mouse and pink colors.  Thank you mom and Jeff!!!

Home of Dolly Parton!
Once we made sure we had everything for the day, we got in the car and headed to... DOLLYWOOD!  My mom and Jeff have season passes, and they got us a discount.  This was such a fun day.  Dollywood has come a long way.  There were actually 4 main rides, none of which a pregnant person can ride, but I had fun taking pictures and seeing them get excited.  It was also fun to hear all about the ride once they got off.  I think I mostly enjoyed seeing Kyle's terrified faces and afterwards hearing about how scary a ride was!

The four rides they went on were The Barnstormer, The Mystery Mine, The TennesseeTornado, and Thunderhead.  Here are some pictures...


Kyle on Thunderhead

Kyle, Mom, and Jeff on the back of Thunderhead

Barnstormer is about to start

Kyle, realizing he is going to go pretty high

Mystery Mine, Kyle's favorite

Jeff and Mom in front of Barnstormer

Kyle, terrified

It was nice having Mom and Jeff as our tour guides.  They knew what rides to ride and what shows to see.  
Still scared, but
thankful it's ending

We were there during the Southern Gospel and Harvest Celebration, but come to think of it, I'm not sure we did anything specifically related to this.  We did, however, see the Gem Tones perform, as well as the Kingdom Heirs.

We also stopped in the big, but adorable, candy shoppe.  I got an old fashioned chocolate milkshake, and Jeff got a root beer float.

I had to get a picture with Kyle here since this
ride was so entertainging to watch!
 Dollywood closed at 6:00 so that's when we left, after Kyle got to ride The Mystery Mine one last time.  We grabbed a quick dinner at McDonalds, and headed over to Cirque de Chine.  This was an impressive show of acrobats, contortionists, strength, and balance acts.  It's unfortunate more people don't go.  It really was cool!
Not sure why this was in
the park, but Kyle wanted
a picture in it.  haha

Kyle with some of the Cirque people

After the show, we said goodbye to mom and Jeff.  They went back to Chattanooga, and we went to Knoxville to visit Kyle's best friend from high school, Dave Vogel.  We needed to get some rest before our big day tomorrow!

Dave Vogel

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